Balarama’s Appearance Day Festival Tues. Aug. 20, 2013


On this most Auspicious Occasion,

Everyone is encouraged to prepare some special loving preparations that you’d like tomake as an offering to Lord Balarama on His Appearance Day.

Our goal is to offer at least a total of 56 wonderful preparations at His special evening offering. This rare opportunity is especially meaningful to all those who are partial to HIS Special Mercy.

Please have all preparations in the Temple Pujari Room no later than 5:30 PM.

Thank you for your consideration. Hare Krishna.



Fasting until noon.

5:30 pm                    Abhisheka
6:00 pm                    Lecture and offering of 56 preparations
7:00 pm                    Artika and Kirtan
7:45 pm                    Prasadam Feast served

Lilasuka dasi


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