Water Line Fixed at New Vrindaban Lodge

Summertime in New Vrindaban

Summertime in New Vrindaban

Summer in New Vrindaban is going very well. The newly renovated lodge is full on many weekends.  The new welcome center is buzzing with pilgrims and visitors. So, all is well in the holy dhama.

At the same time, in this material world, we all know that Krishna often tests His devotees in different ways. Then He also gives us the intelligence how to deal with such tests. The apartment suite in the lodge, the most comfortable and demanded accommodation, was unfortunately flooded, for the fourth time, by waste water due to the current pumping system. The experts advise that another renovation would not give us a guarantee that the same problem would not happen again. Therefore, we have had to dig up some of the lawn near the children’s playground, and put in a proper waste water line without a pump.

Krsna saved us again!  Very soon the lush, green grass will be growing back in.  All is well in New Vrindaban Dhama.


Work completed on broken water line.

Work completed on broken water line.




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