Krsna on National Public Radio!

Krsna Comes to National Public Radio!!

W.V. NPR has been interviewing our own Tapahunja das in the first two of a four-part series, highlighting Wheeling- based urban agriculture under the direction of the “Green Wheeling Initiative”, in which Tapahpunja is a co-founder.

Please find below the link to the second National Public Radio broadcast regarding New Vrindaban’s  Small Farm Training Center’s role in the local area.  The SFTC’s Project Director  is  Tapahpunja das.

Besides discussing the importance of growing our own food, even in urban situations, Tapahpunja  discussed New Vrindaban, the Palace of Gold and Krsna Conscious philosophy during the interviews, which were  probably heard by a few hundred thousand people yesterday morning. Two more interviews are coming.

Here’s a sneak preview. The links to both interviews are below.

“If you’re going to actually grow food in an urban environment you’re going to need soils that are nutrient-dense. So the biomass from lawn clippings, leaves, grass, biomass that you find in the city’s effort to clean up branches and brambles and what-not, can be made into compost. The delivery of those, the actually teaching of gardening skills to people in neighborhoods—what we want to create is a whole new city center in which the opportunity to grow, market, and prosper economically is jointly conducted by private enterprise, by academia, by the community itself.”

Link to first interview is below:

NPR 1st Broadcast with Tapahpunja re Green Wheeling Initiative

Link to second interview is below:

NPR Broadcast with Tapahpunja das

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