PRC Minutes Conf Call August 19, 2011

Palace Restoration Committee

Minutes Conference Call August 19, 2011

Present:Gaura Shakti Dasa, Gopisa Dasa, Ramesvara Dasa, Tripad Dasa, Jaya Krsna das, Malati Devi Dasi (partial), Krsna Bhava Devi Dasi (guest for the discussion of the gift shop)


1. Minutes
2. Activity list
3. Roof
4. Design

1. The minutes of the conf call, August 5, 2011, have been ratified.

2. Items on the activity list August 5, 2011

a. Roof – Gopisa presents the letter from Kalkreuth Roofing August 2, 2010, sent to the committee before the meeting. The letter represents an analysis done by Kalkreuth for Kayafas Architects.

i. Proposal accepted by the committee: we do the temporary repair ourselves, put a skin on top of the current layer, make more drainage holes (about 12), estimation for material about $ 3.000, plus labor $3.000. This proposal will be made to the joint boards, timeline: finished mid October 2011.

ii. No investment on the lower roof for the moment due to the fact that PRC plans to reconstruct the lower building.

b. Structure of the current dome – yet to investigate

c. Sudanu – needs some time to think about his engagement at PRC.

d. Front stairs – Gus (Kayafas) will be requested to get quotes for the reparation of the front stairs.

e. Design of the new lower building – PRC decided that there should be no substantial change in the design,elements of the design of Srila Prabhupada’s house should be reused. PRC therefore decides that we do not need any outside designers. Gus from Kayafas architects will be able to do the design for the lower building.

f. Gift shop – Krsna Bhavana sent a letter to PRC with the information that she will not use the current gift shop premises for next year based on the mold and the water entering the facilities. She proposes that the Palace/Temple builds a temporary gift shop at a new place; Krsna Bhava will pay rent and invest in the shelving of the new gift shop.

PRC came to the conclusion that the semi circle with the little structure in front of the current gift shop is the right place for a temporary gift shop. The space is big enough for the setup, the current bathrooms can be used. Gopisa will work on a proposal for next conf call.

Next conf call: September 9, 2011

Activity list:

Gopisa Get information about the support structure of the dome to define the setup of a new dome September 9, 2011

All Feedback on the storyboard, to be adapted by JKd – 50.000-75.000 users a year September 9, 2011

Tripad Contact Charu Prabhu to get input for the exibits September 15, 2011
Gaura Shakti Contact BhkatiCharu Swami, Rameswara, Kripamaya, Sankirtana for input for the exhibition September 15, 2011
Gaura Shakti Article on dandavats September 15, 2011
Gaura Shakti Write regular articles ongoing
Gaura Shakti Get the 4000 pictures of Rukmavati September 15, 2011
Gaura Shakti Get feedback from Sudanu September 9 , 2011
Gopish Request Kayafas to get quotes for the reparation of the front stairs September 9, 2011
Gopish Propose a temporary gift shop (style, size, estimation for the investment) September 9, 2011

August 21, 2011 JKd

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