Spring Cleaning

Typically spring brings us out of the darkness of winter, shining it’s light on many things that we didn’t or couldn’t tend to in the colder, dormant months. In spring, we clean our houses and sometimes we do a personal physical cleanse through fasting and diet. We clear the clutter (toxins) out of our bodies, homes and minds.

I personally have had many devotees approach me with their deep concerns for creating real community. I would like to invite all residents of New Vrindavan and surrounding areas to partake in a Spring Cleaning to clear and remove stagnant energy and create a refreshing, rejuvenating atmosphere in New Vrindavan. If you choose, here are some ways you can participate:

· Create the intention to clean up and clear out. This could be done by simply writing down your intention and posting it where it will catch your attention (fridge, bathroom mirror, etc.) so you can reflect on it and see how to initiate some actions to clear.

· Attend the daily chanting of the Nrsingha Kavaca prayers. This will be happening between May 1st and June 18th at the morning and evening programs. It will culminate at the 24 hour kirtan, a final release to the Holy Names.

· Clean up the environment of clutter. This could range from cleaning your own home, room, car, etc., to cleaning the temple and/or the surrounding temple areas where stagnant energy has accumulated.

· Find positive and effective ways of communicating and resolving issues. When circumstances don’t go the way we expect them to, rather than complain to others, find straight forward means to clear any upset. Some strategies might be:

? working to directly resolve the issue with the other person.

? asking for a mediator if needed.

? looking to have everyone’s needs considered and met.

? considering the impacts our complaints have on ourselves and the larger community.

· Pray to increase our awareness and consciousness in removing stagnant, negative energy, the old, conditioned habits that are not in our highest good or benefit.

Spring is about new growth. So, how about it? All in favor, jump in the Spring Cleaning mood and set your intentions for the next 48 days. Let’s see how much of a difference we can make by aligning our thoughts, words and deeds in clearing a space to create a NEW New Vrindaban, where all Devotees Care.

Thank you for your concern and participation.

Your servant,

Sukhavaha dd

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