Gopal’s Garden Preschool Summer Update

 Gopal's Garden Preschool at Prabhupada's Palace New Vrindaban

Gopal’s Garden Preschool, headed by New Vrindaban residents Sundari Devi Dasi and Mercy Mack, has been filled with action packed projects and fun this summer.

Starting in March of this year, the preschool began with Sundari Devi Dasi and Mercy teaming up to build a healthy and interactive place to bring their children during the daytime. Eventually, the other mothers in the community joined to support, and now there are all together 6-8 students who come regularly throughout the week.

Gopal’s Garden Preschool days include bhajan and prayers with a little dancing if the mood is right. Then they continue with playing, snacks, and indoor activities such as finger painting, coloring, and learning projects. Sundari Devi also introduces Vaisnava songs and stories towards the end of the school day before they go outside to play.

Gopal's Garden Preschool students New Vrindaban ISKCON

The outdoor activities include sandbox, swing set, and field trips out beyond the preschool.

New Vrindaban Gopal's Garden Students Prabhupada's Palace ISKCON

During this summer semester, the children got to participate in devotional and festival projects such as making Ratha Yathra Jagannath cart and holding a pushpa abhisek for Radha Krishna.

New Vrindaban Gopal's Garden Preschool ratha yatra kids ISKCON Gopal's Garden Preschool ISKCON New Vrindaban

Sundari and Mercy believe the Preschool has been a great success so far and they have had a great time putting it together. The two mothers try to teach everything with a Krishna conscious aspect to it which makes each day very special, creative and innovative. They both feel Krishna brought the two of them together to satisfy Prabhupada’s wishes for the devotee children to be cared for properly. As Srila Prabhupada mentions in a Letter written in 1972, “…If children are allowed to play just like Krishna was playing with his cowherd boyfriends, then little ABC, then see the deity and have arati, then take little prasadam; in this way if they are always diversified, they will be always jolly and become fixed-up devotees at young age. And small children, they learn better these things from their mother and women in general.”

Gopal’s Garden Preschool will commemorate in November for a sweet graduation to congratulate the children for participating in this first year’s projects! Details will be provided on the New Vrindaban website.

Both teachers thank Srila Prabhupada for all of his wonderful books and teachings he made available to pass on to the this next generation.

“We hope and pray our efforts please Srila Prabhupada!!” – Sundari and Mercy

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