New Vrindaban Ratha Yatra Saturday July 11th


It is getting closer to that magical time of the year when Their Lordships disappear for a few days and then triumphantly return to grace Their Rathyatra Chariot. Not to be outdone by last year’s performance, the Rath cart has been revamped since last year.

Gaura Nitai, Who gracefully lead the procession last year, are returning to bless our Festival again. The Rathyatra Festival Team (Malati dd, Radha Sundari, Ananda Tirtha & Braj Mohan, Vrindaban Pryia and Cakori Radha) all look forward to making this a memorable event. Right now, we are looking for vendors, kirtaneers and creative artists in particular.

Later on, other needs will be addressed, such as cooks, decorating the cart, garland making, flower purchasing, and a spectacular menu (cooked in ghee) for the Lord’s pleasure, etc all as offerings of love for the Lord.

Please stop by Malati ‘s office or call 304-845-9591 if you would like to participate. Let us get New Vrindaban’s Rathyatra on the map!

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