Sri Nathji’s 25th Birthday

About Nathji’s installation ceremony:

““Radha-Vrindaban Chandra, Gaura-Nitai, and Gopala Nathji were placed on Their altars, which had been drilled with nine small holes. In the holes were placed nine precious jewels of the nine major planets. They were then filled with turmeric. A yantra—a small piece of gold plated copper, inscribed with a six-pointed star, an eight-pointed lotus flower, and the mula and gayatri “mantras of each Deity, was placed under the Deities. . .”

Read the whole story at:

Deity Stories: A New Temple For Radha Vrindaban Candra (Part Two)

The back story of how Nathji came to New Vrindaban:

“In 1979, many Gujarati Vaisnavas and life members were desiring to worship Sri Nathaji in New York’s ISKCON center. A devotee sculpted Sri Nathajl’s murti, and it was exhibited in the New York temple. Every Sunday evening, Veda Vyasapriya, who now lives in New Vrindaban*, arranged for the life members to perform puja ceremonies for Sri Nathaji…”

Read the whole story at:

How Sri Nathaji Came to New Vrindaban

*this was written in 1984

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