Sri Sri Radha-VrindabanChandra’s Temple Room Renovations

These pictures show the renovations in progress, from the old original dark brown color to what you see with these contrasting lighter colors.

2008-01-28-2.jpg 2008-01-29-1.jpg 

2008-01-29-3.jpg 2008-01-29-5.jpg

The Temple Room is starting to be repainted, and the initial color scheme looks like it will brighten the whole room up considerably, undoubtly saving considerable on electric consumption.  I can remember that from time to time, there had been talk of doing this for well over a decade, and it’s finally really happening. Just recently Soma Prabhu has finished repairing and replacing large sections of the fancy columns, baseboards and overhead beams, which had been cut for remodeling or broken in over a dozen large places over the last ten years or more.

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Reader Comments

I really like this paint scheme.

I say go for it!!


i like all progran an namahata.hare krisna